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Serena Hotel to Entebbe Airport Transfer – Affordable car hire

Kampala Serena Hotel

If you are planning to travel from The Kampala Serena Hotel to Entebbe International airport, your search for transportation ends here. Our Serena Hotel to Entebbe Airport Transfer service was designed to smoothen airport pick up and drop off like yours. We offer Affordable Airport car hire to Individuals, small groups or even dozens of travellers!

We have assembled a fleet of dedicated cars and drivers to offer airport transfers from most of Kampala hotels including The Kampala Serena Hotel.

Our taxis will ensure you reach your destination in a timely and convenient manner. Our drivers are nearby. Your will not endure long waiting time to be picked up. But for peace of mind, you could book your car at least two hours before departure time.

How Far is Serena Hotel to Entebbe Airport?

Serena Hotel is approximately 38Km from Entebbe Airport. It can also be 45Kms if you use the Express Highway. Averagely, the journey is a 45 minutes’ drive. It’s worth noting that the Old Kampala – Entebbe highway is prone to traffic jam which could make your journey take a lot more time than stated here.

Serena Hotel to Entebbe Airport Package Details

This package is designed to offer convenience to the traveller. Our service covers driver fees, car rental, fuel, toll fees and airport parking fees. You pay a single fee and we do all the rest for you. The Serena Hotel to Entebbe Airport transfer is probably the cheapest offer you will get on the market! For as low as $40, you will have a saloon car pick you up at your hotel. There are several cars to choose from so feel free to discuss with us your needs and we will be glad to help you.

Booking a Serena Hotel to Entebbe Airport Transfer

Booking your ride is very simple. Simply click here or on the WhatsApp tulip on this page and chat with one of our fleet planners. You can also contact us by email on out contact page.

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